Hornbill Watch
Our commitment to the environment, sustainability, and community

About the Program
The Oriental Pied Hornbill, classified as a Near Threatened species, are one of nature’s observers. They will not return to areas that are too heavily disturbed by human developments. We are lucky at TreeHouse Villas and Paradise KohYao that they have chosen to stay with us and can be seen throughout the resort in large numbers. The Mahidol University has even noted our local environment as a key point to observe the natural healthy behaviours of these majestic birds. They are always overlooking the changes we make and the impact we have on nature. Their watch is a humble reminder of the importance of the balance we must maintain with our natural surroundings, to never take more then we need and to give back where we can.
The Hornbill Watch is an avenue where we can consolidate our efforts to both educate our guests, partners and staff of our current activities and programs but also to get them involved in leaving a meaningful positive impact on the environment and community.
Embody ourselves as caretakers and guardians of our environment in order to establish a healthy symbiosis with nature while leaving a positive impact on our local community and staff.
Mind My Habitat
Hornbill Watch
Our commitment to the environment, sustainability and community

Environmental Commitment
Our local environment is precious to us. We are committed to preserving it by reducing our impact on it, but trying to find ways to make it stronger and healthier.

Local Community
We are proud to be a part of the local community on Koh Yao and feel great responsibility to making sure we have a positive impact within it.

Waste Managerment
Minimizing our negative impact by sorting, recycling and upcycling waste where ever we can.